I'm a full stack web developer based in San Francisco. I was a student at General Assembly's Web Development Imersive (WDI) 2013 March course, where for 12 weeks with 10+ hour days we dived in Ruby, Ruby on Rails and JavaScript.
I think 'devil is in the details' and I always strive to achive that in my work. I like web that looks and feels simple.
Before I 'found code', I worked in photography as a digital technician and 1st assistant for Los Angeles based photographer Kevin Lynch.
While I'm not practicing coding I enjoy mountainbiking, road trips, good food (occasionally cook it myself) and movies.

Tree of Life Spine Therapy - e-commerce application built with Ruby on Rails 4, JavaScript. Using Stripe for checkout. This application supports downloadable digital products that are hosted on S3. It has a simple admin area where administrator can manage orders, products, upload digital products.

MapTrack - helps you track USPS packages visually on the map. This application was buitl using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript. Using a lot of AJAX calls so that you don't have to reload the page. It uses USPS API to get data and Geocoder to get the location cordinates. Currently supports only USPS, I'm planning to support FedEx and UPS as well.

*This application is hosted on Heroku free service and initial load time can be longer than typical website.

Good Food - web application that helps you to find Good Food near you. It uses your location and narrows down results that have four or more stars on Yelp and Google. It is built for phones using JavaScript, jQuery Mobile and Ruby on Rails, Yelp and Google Places APIs Works just as fine in the desktop browsers.

*This application is hosted on Heroku free service and initial load time can be longer than typical website.


Walert - Web application that helps set up weather alerts. It will send you text messages based on the parameters you choose at a specific time of day. Built using Ruby on Rails with weahter and Twilio APIs